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FAA New Directives - COVID19

FAA New Directives - COVID19

FAA Pilot Currency & Training

An amendment to 14 CFR 61.57, the area of the Federal Aviation Regulations that handles recent flight experience requirements for pilots in command, came into effect this week allowing instrument rated pilots to maintain currency in the comfort of their own homes. And adding to the ease of which pilots can keep legal, those pilots no longer need to pay an instructor to hover over them as they shoot approaches on a home-based simulator.

The new rule was part of an overhaul of currency requirements and rules for logging flight time that was published on June 27. There were varying effective dates for the different sections that were modified. The requirement for instrument currency, which must be met every six months, now allows IFR pilots to track radials and fly the required instrument approaches and holding procedures in basic simulators classified as Aviation Training Devices (ATDs). With a starting cost of a little more than £5,000, these devices are affordable enough to keep in the home. Basic ATDs can be purchased from from us. Previously, pilots had to conduct currency flights in devices classified as either Full Flight Simulators (FFS) or Flight Training Devices (FTD), which are unaffordable to most pilots, and an instructor had to observe the flight for it to count toward currency, a rule that added to the expense and need for planning to keep current.

The elimination of the flight instructor requirement that was part of 61.51 (g) was removed on July 27. So now you can literally pick up an ATD and practice approaches and holds any time that is convenient to you.

Our BATD certified by the FAA. Flight Panel, PC, Screen and all Flight Controls, everything you need to get those hours in you Logbook. Check it out.

F.A.A. approved training device that meets and exceeds the requirements specified on AC 61/136A for the Basic Aviation Training Device level (B.A.T.D.).

The product includes - Hardware:
- Instrument panel
- Yoke
- Throttle quadrant
- Rudder pedals
- System computer
- System display
- Instructor station display
- Instructor station keyboard and mouse
- Sound system
- Monitor stand
- Desktop switch

The product includes - Software:
- Main Computer Operating System, Windows7
- Flight Panel Operating System, Windows7
- Flight Simulation Engine, Prepar3D v.2.
- Instructor Station Software (I.O.S.)
- Flight tracking mapping application, Google Earth

The product includes - Documentation:
- Qualification Approval Guide (Q.A.G.)
- Assembly manual
- Operating manual
- Integrated Ground & Flight IR curriculum
- Start up and shut down manual
- Aircraft instruments & performance data
- Aircraft checklists & performances charts

New FSTD1 from Flight Simulators UK
New FSTD1 from Flight Simulators UK - view 1New FSTD1 from Flight Simulators UK - view 2New FSTD1 from Flight Simulators UK - view 3New FSTD1 from Flight Simulators UK - view 4New FSTD1 from Flight Simulators UK - view 5New FSTD1 from Flight Simulators UK - view 6New FSTD1 from Flight Simulators UK - view 7

New FSTD1 from Flight Simulators UK

Flight Simulators UK has recently developed a new training device which will offer flight training organisations an affordable and flexible addition to their training fleet. This new device is available with various avionics layouts, instrument layouts.

Available as a fully portable system with folding leg stand, flight console, instrument console, visual screen, PC, mouse & keyboard designed to fit into a medium sized hatchback. Ideal for taking to trade shows & exhibitions.

Also, the FSTD1 is available as a static simulator fitted on a Pilot Deck Station with large monitor screens up to 65" or can be offered with a Curved Projection Screen.

Contact sales@flight-simulators.co.uk for further details.

Icon Aircraft Industries

Icon Aircraft Industries

The sport is back in flying

ICON Aircraft’s mission is to bring the freedom, fun, and adventure of flying to all who have dreamed of flight. The FAA’s dramatic 2004 regulation changes that created the Light Sport Aircraft category have redefined the possibilities for aviation and allowed ICON to reinvent flying by focusing on the consumer experience. ICON’s intent is to democratize aviation the same way that great brands like Apple, BMW, Ducati, or Oakley democratize their products: by fusing outstanding engineering with world-class consumer product design. The end goal is to create products that not only deliver great functional benefit but also deeply inspire us on an emotional level.

After years of development with some of the world’s best aerospace engineers and industrial designers, ICON Aircraft has released the first of its sport planes, the A5. The A5 delivers an exciting and safe flying experience in a bold design that communicates beauty, performance, and most importantly, fun. With over 1,000 delivery positions already assigned, the A5 has demonstrated unprecedented and broad market appeal. The A5 has also won numerous prestigious design awards and received prominent media coverage in well-known outlets including Wired, The Wall Street Journal, Robb Report, CNN, CBS, Fox, and the Discovery Channel. Visit these links for more on ICON’s media features:

To View Images and Video of this amazing aircraft, click here

ICON’s unique vision, combining personal aviation and sophisticated design, reflects the passions of its founders. The idea for the company was conceived by Kirk Hawkins when he first learned about the impending FAA regulation change. Hawkins is a former U.S. Air Force F-16 pilot and a long-time motorsport enthusiast. After graduating from Stanford Business School, he founded ICON in 2006 in Silicon Valley with former classmate Steen Strand. Strand, a Harvard graduate with a master’s in Product Design from Stanford, is a serial entrepreneur focused on consumer product design.

In 2007, a team of world-class aeronautical engineers and fabricators joined ICON. Much of that team came from Burt Rutan’s famed Scaled Composites, including VP of Engineering Matthew Gionta and Lead Aero Engineer Jon Karkow. Scaled is famous for its record-setting projects including Voyager, Global Flyer, the X-Prize winning SpaceShipOne, and Virgin Galactic’s SpaceShipTwo. ICON’s facilities are located in Southern California, a hotbed for automotive design and aerospace engineering. This really does look like an aircraft from the latest Star Wars Blockbuster.

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